Friday 9 May 2014

Moving on

Sometimes people change like the seasons.

And I'm not saying that I'm so perfect 
But I gave you my heart 
And you stomped on it

But at a certain point the memory of her stopped accompanying me everywhere I went. I stayed behind, the way a city stays behind as a train pulls out of the station. It's there, somewhere behind you, and you could go back and make sure of it. But why should you?

it's taken me awhile, but i'm learning  
that letting go of the past is a good thing.
it doesn't mean forgetting, it just means 
moving on. and you can't enjoy the present 
when you're stuck in the past

I want to say I deserve better & mean it
I want to say I give up & believe it
I want to say I'm moving on, & do it.

She was my best friend. 
The one who made me laugh, 
when I didn't feel like smiling. 
The one who made me feel so secure, 
when I was scared. 
And the one, who I fell completely in love with.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its learning to dance in the rain. It's singing in the car when you don't even know all the words.It's giving your whole heart to someone, even if you're a little scared at first. It's about taking risks and making life worth living because every minute you waste is a minute you'll never get back. 

But now i realise whatever happens happens for the good. Moving away from her was the best thing that could ever happen to me. That got me even closer to my mother and sister. The amount of time and energy i spent on her had drained me emotionally. In her pursuit i had forgotten about the two beautiful women of my life who have always been there for me without me even trying for them.

That is when it struck me. True love does not require to appease a woman 24x7 365 days a year. You do not have to run around her like a mad dog with your tongue out. It is as simple as your relationship with your mother and sister. You feel happy. You do things for them without any expectations and so do they.

Memories hit you. They hit you hard. You want them back desperately and that is when you have to be strong enough to stop yourself. Have people around you who are positive, but if you do not have any just get yourself angry at the smallest thought of them. Will hurt you for a while but doesn't something that does not kill you make you  stronger?

A true relationship never demands anything. Always gives you back. 

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