Sunday, 26 October 2014

Regular or Special?

Last week I was having a conversation with a college friend saying she had broken up with her boyfriend because they could not handle distances and she could not give him time.
She really broke down saying what happened that the person who spoke to her the most, did everything day and night with her just wants to stop talking to me because of distance?

I was convinced that he missed her. Missed her a lot. But he didn't know how to express. But did they miss each other because of the regular things they did for each other everyday or was it the special things?

We fall for people who do special things for us. A chocolate in the middle of the day, a special text in the middle of the night, a bouquet of roses every time we meet and it gives us wings. But what happens when the person stops doing those things? We hate them. We ignore them. The same special things now look irritating. They make you angry. They moving away hurt you.

In all of this pain you just move to the so called best friend whose always there. Everyday doing every small things for you. From a daily coffee, to your daily assignments, lunch, dinner, problems, smiles everything. We just ignore them and take them for granted. We run to them in our problems.

Its the day to day stuff in which we miss the people who have always been there. Life does not stop. We find different ways to do things. Things do become difficult and we miss the things we are helped in but we still search for the special moments. The special people. We long for special moments in our tough independent day to day lives. This loop just continues.

Its better to have someone whose there with us in our day to day chores, who change our lives by small things everyday than someone doing something big in one day.

We would always like to have a regular tea everyday than a special expensive drink every night.

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